Džonatan Strejndž & gospodin Norel
Susanna Clarke

I adored this book. So much so that, even now, weeks
after finishing it, I still have not been able to bring myself to
read another fantasy novel. I am sticking to non-fiction for the
time being. At the same time, I recognize that not everyone will
love this book as much as I did.
First of all, it's a very fat book; and it starts
slowly, with Ms. Clarke confidently drawing the reader little by
little into her version of 19th century England, where the story
takes place. The plot continues to meander and unfold, with
occasional bursts of intensity, but with no battles of epic
proportions (ummm... unless you count the Battle of Waterloo), no
slaying of dragons (unless you count the French), and no long-lost
objects filled with magical power (unless you count a library full
of obscure books). In short, this is no Tolkien-esque fantasy. The
story, like the characters in it, is politic, witty, sparkling,
aloof, well-mannered, and intelligent. For this is a story about
gentlemen, after all. Two gentlemen in specific, who also just
happen to be the last English magicians of the 'Modern Age.'
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell is divided
into three parts. It begins (even though the title promises
otherwise) with Mr Norrell. This will make some of you unhappy,
because Mr Norrell is a stodgy, nervous and particular older
gentleman, prone to think far too highly of himself and paranoid of
the motives of all those around him. In short, he is not that easy
to like and not at all, as Ms. Clarke points out, what a modern
magician 'ought to be.' Yet, the first third of the book is about
him. I thought this was actually a pretty clever choice, however,
because by the time you get to the second part about Jonathan
Strange you are so glad to meet him at last (after only reading
about him in references made in the footnotes during part one -- oh
yes, there are footnotes, and they are at times more amusing than
the story itself) that you instantly love him. He is quite the
opposite of Mr Norrell -- charming, daring, passionate, young and
handsome -- and after he appears, the main part of the story focuses
on the relationship between the two and the inevitable clashings of
their ideologies. The third part is called "John Uskglass." 'Wait a
minute', I hear you saying, 'his name is not in the title -- just
who is this interloper, Uskglass?' Well, you'll have to read the
book to find out.
Mr Norrell emerges out of decades of seclusion in
his isolated library to prove that English magic has not completely
been lost and that he is the sole remaining practical (rather than
theoretical) magician. He sets about, in his own pedantic way, to
restore English magic and make himself useful to the government in
the wars against the French, and so on. It soon becomes evident,
however, that he is not the only magician in England. There is
another: Jonathan Strange. Norrell takes on Strange as his pupil but
refuses, in his paranoid way, to teach him even half of what he
knows. Nevertheless, Strange is obviously more naturally talented
than Norrell, and the inevitable falling out occurs. They cause
stones to speak, the dead to rise, faeries to appear, ships to be
formed out of clouds, the topography of Spain to change, and the
coastline of England to stop eroding.
'But what is the point?', a habitual reader of
Oprah Book Club selections was heard to ask upon finishing this
book. Well, that's just it -- there really isn't one. Unless you
will accept a great read as the point. Clarke is a new author, but
you would never know it. She writes with an ease and confidence that
some authors never achieve with experience. Her quiet, wry sense of
humour and steely wit is reminiscent of Jane Austen and William
Makepeace Thackery. Indeed, you could almost think of this book as
an homage to those great 19th century novelists, which at the same
time enfolds the traditions of English fairy stories and Arthurian
legends, lacing in an astute knowledge of history.
So, I'm afraid I've now become one of those people
who go on and on about how great a certain book is. I've been trying
to convince my customers to buy it, trying to convince them not to
be turned off by how fat Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell is.
'I've heard a lot about this book,' they say, 'can it really be as
good as all that?' Yes, I tell them, it can.
A review by
Margo MacDonald