Philip Jose
fabulous river boat (1971)
While To Your Scattered Bodies Go is the
more original of the two, The Fabulous Riverboat is in
almost every other way a better book -- suspenseful, fast-moving,
and full of true SF sense-of-wonder. Check out this marvelous
series. "Resurrected on the lush, mysterious banks of
Riverworld, along with the rest of humanity, Samuel Langhorne
Clemens (a.k.a. Mark Twain) has a dream: to build a riverboat that
will rival the most magnificent paddle-wheelers ever navigated on
the mighty Mississippi. Then, to steer it up the endless waterway
that dominates his new home planet -- and at last discover its
hidden source. But before he can carry out his plan, he first must
undertake a dangerous voyage to unearth a fallen meteor. This
mission would require striking an uneasy alliance with the
bloodthirsty Viking Erik Bloodaxe, treacherous King John of
England, legendary French swordsman Cyrano de Bergerac, Greek
adventurer Odysseus, and the infamous Nazi Hermann Göring. All
for the purpose of storming the ominous stone tower at the mouth
of the river, where the all-powerful overseers of Riverworld --
and their secrets -- lie in wait."
The Dark Design (1977)
"Years have passed on Riverworld. Entire
nations have risen, and savage wars have been fought -- all since
the dead of Earth found themselves resurrected in their magnificent
new homeworld. Yet the truth about the Ethicals, the powerful
engineers of this mysterious "afterlife," remains unknown.
But a curious cross-section of humanity is determined to change that
situation... at any cost. Intrepid explorer Sir Richard Francis
Burton leads the most remarkable voyage of discovery he has ever
undertaken. Hot on his heels are Samuel Clemens, King John of
England, and Cyrano de Bergerac. Spurred by the promise of ultimate
answers, they chart a course across the vast polar sea--and toward
the awesome tower that looms above it. But getting there will be
more than half the battle. For death on Riverworld has become
chillingly final..."
The Magic Labyrinth (1980)
Final volume in the Riverworld
series -- unless you want to count the assorted sequels Riverworld
War (1980), The Gods of Riverworld (1983), or River of
Eternity (1983). "The answers behind the enigmatic origins
of Riverworld lie at last within reach, as the remarkable gathering
of Earthlings -- including Sir Richard Francis Burton, Samuel
Clemens, Alice Liddell Hargreaves, Cyrano de Bergerac, Ulysses S.
Grant, and Baron Von Richtoven -- finally breaches the stronghold of
Riverworld's extraordinary super-race. But answers would lead to
more enigmatic questions... Who is the Mysterious Stranger who
taunted the Riverworld resurrectees with hints of the truth? What is
the key to the gargantuan computer that wields the power of life and
death? The astonishing secrets lie within the Dark Tower -- but only
for those brave enough to seek them and wise enough to decipher
them..." "Charts a territory somewhere between Gulliver's
Travels and Lord of the Rings" -- Time.