Beach Infinity Beach takes the reader on an
exciting ride. Top-notch adventure, strong characters, a gripping
mystery, burnished prose, and good science -- this book has it all.
Twenty-seven years prior to the opening of the main story, four
interstellar explorers in search of extraterrestrial life
unexpectedly return home early from a mission. Two of the four
disappear, and a third is killed in an inexplicable explosion that
devastates a mountain on their home world. The fourth team member,
the starship captain, never flies again and eventually dies in a
planetary rescue mission far from his home. Although the authorities
suspect foul play in the explosion, they have neither proof nor
motive, and never solve the case.
What happened? And why?
This mystery forms the centrepiece of Infinity Beach. The
main character, Doctor Kim Brandywine, is the younger sister of one
of the missing explorers. A relative of the other vanished explorer
convinces Kim to conduct her own investigation into what happened
twenty-seven years ago.
Much of the action takes place on Greenway, a planet terraformed
by humans to provide an idyllic life. Her people have achieved
universal prosperity. Machines and AIs care for their needs, nearly
everyone has a healthy youth ensured for most of their extended
lives, and almost no crime exists. However, rumours of strange
ghostly phenomena run wild in the region of the explosion. No one
has brought forth any proof, though, and the stories are dismissed
-- at least officially.
Kim is drawn into a puzzle that becomes ever more complex,
involving incidents that happened far from Greenway, in interstellar
space. McDevitt develops the mystery beautifully, introducing one
clue here, another there, tantalizing the reader with bits and
pieces of the puzzle. He draws in the players one by one, giving
them intriguing personalities without resorting to clichés. By
weaving this refreshing mix of characters in and among the clues, he
makes the puzzle even more riveting.
Infinity Beach showcases world-building at its best.
McDevitt constructs a believable society, with some of the better
extrapolations into the far future I've read. Whether that era will
actually turn out that way, who can say, but the story makes it
convincing given the parameters in its set-up. Perhaps the most
startling is this: despite the sophistication in AI, no construct
has achieved sentience. The people on Greenway choose to perfect
their human state rather than augment themselves by computer or
android advances. Given these constraints, the society works.
The world, Greenway, it well described in all its quirks.
McDevitt layers in the science with a light touch, using an
expertise that will satisfy most hard SF readers while remaining
unobtrusive to those with little interest in such aspects. Parts of
the book take place in space, near a star in the belt of Orion.
McDevitt creates the milieu with verisimilitude, successfully
evoking a sense of incomparable beauty out among the stars.
The prose in this book pleases. Its clean, polished style flows
well. A quotation precedes each chapter, many by fictitious
luminaries of the future. It adds richness to the universe McDevitt
creates, including touches of humour as well as an insightful look
at human nature.
McDevitt has a knack for characterization. Kim is particularly
strong; she comes across as self-confident, skilled, and likable,
yet at the same time she is no paragon. She stumbles, then pulls
herself up and continues on. McDevitt writes with understanding and
compassion for his characters, making their tragedies and triumphs
all the more poignant.
The most compelling subplot involves Kim's relationship with
Solly, or Solomon Hobbs, a starship captain who starts out as her
best friend. Solly thoroughly charms and, for the most part, plays
an excellent role in the story. However, this also touches on the
book's only weakness, if such a strong work can be said to have a
weak point. I don't want to give away too much; suffice it to say, I
felt the conclusion of this subplot was the wrong one for this book.
The reason I had such a strong reaction, of course, is because
McDevitt writes human interactions with such an appealing touch.
Infinity Beach is an engrossing science fiction mystery;
one of the best I've read in a long time. In addition to telling a
great story, it offers the reader thoughtful questions about what it
means for humanity to mature rather than stagnate as a species.
McDevitt has served up another exciting, literate yarn.